The South Bay (where San Jose is located for you not-so-local types) is so not dog friendly. In order to run your dogs on grass instead of a gravel dog park, you must be willing to break the law. One must resort to school yards, abandoned housing, city or county owned land that has little traffic and the occasional office park on a weekend.
Not the East Bay. They love dogs. They allow off leash fun in damn-near every regional park. If the path is not paved, pups need not be shackled. Today we headed to the Sunol Regional Wilderness. Total Sound of Music backdrop. It was fantastical.
Sunny and 68°.

A cute little brook. Totally babbling, too, BTW.
And Bella's most favorite thing on the planet
Well, OK, it's not so much the cow, but what comes out of the cow. And this I have to share water with?!
Is this not a look of total content?
Little Miss Shit Lips.
For those of you that know her IRL, keep this post in mind next time she's licking your face.
Once they got their first serving of Field Fudge, I was totally out of the picture for them. The hunt was on.
Do you have any over there? I got nothing over here.
Look at how polite Bell is. Nicely waiting her turn.
Hmm, did Bella find poop over there?
I'm on a hill and I found some poop. I love today!
And lastly, Bella On Rock. 'Cause, if you ignore me because you are overtaken with excrement excitement I make you stand on things. That's just the way it works.