Thursday, May 22, 2008

Miss Kate

That would be 'miss' the verb, not 'miss' the noun. :-)

Yup, miss here, too.

Look at those perfectly pointed tootsies. At least she shows some style...some form...Most of the time...

It must have been something in the air yesterday 'cause Bella, who can normally catch a ball with eyes closed and pants to the wind...thuslyHad an off moment or two herself
I love these happy dogs!

And this last one just because I love the little leftover paw tornadoes. Someone is haulin' butt!


  1. WOWWWWWW! What adorable captures))))) really great and stunning! Go on...

  2. I love the one hitting her on the back!

  3. The shot with the "paw tornados" is really great.. those two really are on the move!!

  4. For you, my friend, a blogging award I am passing on! Congrats
