Monday, January 19, 2009

Arses And Elbows!

Anyone care to come throw for me?
'Cause, you know, when it's 80° and you just feel like sitting in the grass enjoying the day you really only end up with...I have no clue what's going on in the leg department here. Even looking it full clue. She did come home with all 4, so that's good.

Well, two faces, because they make me laugh


  1. love the last one of Bella! She looks like she's squealing in fright. :)

  2. soooooooooooooo jealous of the 80 degree weather!!

  3. These pics are amazing!! What kind of lens were you using???

  4. These are the funniest photos I've seen in a long time--and you just can't beat "Arses and Elbows"! My dog has that same ball and she loves it to death.
