Monday, January 26, 2015


We has it. 

I guess that’s just how things go. Since we have no more training and trialing and weekend traveling we have just gotten comfy with the daily doings. I am enjoying it. We have been doing a lot of this. 


The girls seem to be pretty happy just being out and about. There is not quite as much need to be DOING. Watching is now OK. 


If watching involves the car being surrounded by pigeons and seagulls….even better! 


We did nose work a few years back. I stopped taking classes for 2 reasons: 1) no one had classes on a weeknight and I was trialing a lot then and 2) that organization is a little off-putting to me. Very controlling and secretive and there was no way in hell I was signing that ridiculous release that they had to trial. Maybe that’s changed, dunno, but anywho, they started offering classes at the place my house mate teaches agility. It is something the dogs really enjoy, but a class? Nah. I think I am just done with the formal anything with these guys. We are all content to just hang and explore and play ball. 

I guess we are in the coasting stage? 


They have taken up a new hobby. 

They are now bringing home art projects from school. 

I am now "that person."

Although, I'm sure it was more voluntary with Kate. Getting your feet dirty is way more up her alley than Bell's. Plus, she would totally rock a beret.


At least I didn't put them on the fridge.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Over the holidays I met my mom down in Socal for a little adventure. I’m still not done picture sorting. 

 We were down there right before the big “snow” event, so at least driving was good. No fog in the central valley, no snow through the Grapevine. The weather was perfect for the dogs, too. Their kind of road trip weather. 

We started at the Salton Sea. 

Salton Sea 

Quite a magical place, really. Had I known it was going to be so cool I would have planned more time there. Birds galore. 

A threesome 

And Bella thought it was fantastic that they had dog treats EVERYWHERE 


I guess Tilapia in southern California prefer sunbathing to swimming? 

After that was Joshua Tree National Park. Another place that was way too cool for a day trip. That would be a great place to spend a few days. They variety of landscape in the park is pretty remarkable. 




Although, national parks are not the bestest place for dogs since they are really not allowed. In camp grounds and within 100 feet of the road. I understand most people’s dogs are assholes, but really? 


Bella though Joshua Tree was only good for naps. 

Bored Bell 

The rest of the time we spent on the ocean side. No LA, but close enough. They have quite a lot of lovely parks. 


And lots of stuff for Kate to sit on.

  Kate and some Coots 

And posing rocks.


For cormorants, too. 

Pelagic post breakfast 

I really like Socal. I can’t really put my finger on why. The overabundance of palm trees? Holy cow, they love those palm trees down there! Maybe it’s the lack of Silicon Valley D-bags? They better weather? Maybe it’s just because it’s different and I’m in need to a scenery change? Dunno. 

They do have really accommodating birds, though. 


Even the escapees willingly pose. 


Everybody’s looking for deal. :-)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A new years romp

Not in our normal New Year’s park. I would like to be able to say I switched it up this year for some meaningful reason. Like, last year was just full of suckage. Different start to this year? Hopefully a better one? Not really. I just got on 880 instead of 280 and ended up going somewhere else. We have a lot of 80’s in the Bay Area….80, 280, 680, 880, 580….it’s all very confusing. By the time I realized my road choice error I didn’t feel like correcting it. 

It was a really beautiful day out today. With all the freeze warnings and doom and gloom weather reports I was expecting worse. Just a lovely and normal January afternoon. 

he rain we have been getting caused us to deal with something we have not had to in quite some time… 

Balls lost in tall grass 


There was much frantic searching 


By Bella, anyway. 
Kate is no help at all 


She does not understand the seriousness of an MIA ball situation 


The product of a short-term memory issue. 

What are doing again? 


Thank goodness for The Saver of Days 


Such a handsome pair 


Hope you all had a safe New Years. We are the staying in type as I am not a fan of the alcohol and fireworks holidays. I don't care for either of those things on their own. Together? No thanks.

Bella has been getting more and more bothered by fireworks as she ages. Really just the past few years. She doesn't bark or freak or have a panic attack, but is clearly no longer a fan. Last night was the first night that she actually shook. I gave them both 1.5 mg of melatonin and they were out cold in 20 minutes. 

At midnight we had a little bit of this...

And a little bit of this...

Yay for that. 

They both looked so refreshed this morning. Slept like logs. 

Good to know I have something that works.