Thursday, December 31, 2009

That Time Of Year

For reminiscing? Resolutions? Parties?



Kate always ready to be helpful

Count ‘em. One Ball comma Tennis

Good, right?

Yup, one ball

Bella tries to be helpful in her own totally unhelpful way

That involves the canine law relative space:

Anything on the floor is open season.


Whaa? Was unpacking.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This Is A Happy Face, I Swear

There have been a few threads going on various BC boards about how evil (or not) and mindless (or not) playing fetch with your dog is. Funny (or not) thing is that Kate hurt herself at the DP the day these threads started. She was not going after a ball at the time. Was returning one. She hurt her right front leg because she fell off the grass.

Yes, fell off grass.

The DP that we frequent in the mornings has artificial turf bordered by gravel. There is about a 2-inch drop from the grass surface to the gravel one. In perfect Kate style, she was looking in one direction and moving in another and basically twisted her wrist.

I am, however, currently referring to it as her cankle.

Who doesn’t love saying “cankle?”

We have not gone to the vet because I know how that would be. Walking fine, OK to manipulate joints, no swelling, no heat. “Soft tissue injury – rest for a few weeks”

I can say that to myself and save the hundred bucks.

Let me just say that “Kate” and “rest” do not go well together. I am not one of those people that thinks Border Collies need 12 hours of running a day to be whole. Bella certainly doesn’t. Kate, however, does. Not 12 hours maybe, but some. A good run does a lot for her mental health.

So to save our collective sanity, I let her do some recall games.

Bella *hearts* recall games.


Really. That is actually a happy face.


Kate is just sort of along for the ride


Often decides she has other places to be


Spends most of her time staring at Bella. Doesn’t get running with anything to chase


She really doesn’t get games that don’t involve balls. Like crate games in the car. The Stay In The Car games often involves me jumping up and down and possibly playing with a ball and dogs that staying the car and get food thrown at them.

Again, Bella with the *hearting* ‘cause there’s food involved. Kate, not so much


I think she is worried someone might see us

Oh, like she hasn't embarassed me a kajillion time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dog Math

Kate + Ball Chasing = Heat

(Heat + Frosty Fake Grass) - Kate =

It's funny that you can see that even when she is laying down those back legs are always propped and ready to launch. Ha!

This is what my car said at Oh-dark-thirty this morning when we left to run dogs

Now sure, those of you that live in places where your high this time of year regularly doesn't even reach this are probably rolling your eyes at me.

But hey, this is California.

And one of the parts that supposed to be warm. I don't live in Tahoe for a reason. When you live somewhere that one bedroom condos go for a half mil you expect to be compensated in some way. One of those ways is great weather. 27° not great weather. I think every day below 50° should be a tax-free day.

You think The Governator would go for that?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cameras Not Good For Agility

A little too much spotlight time, methinks.

Catch a smidge of air





Hey, you. Dog-who-apparently-wished-to-be-homeless, why don’t you try doing that where you are suppose to do that?

Ooh, my bad


Tunnels no better. Crazy running tunnel face.


Until we see camera.




Not Kate, though. Always with the crazy tunnel face.



One can always count on Kate for something. Even if it is just a bit of crazy.